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How to get our products
The information for buyers
You can buy our products either in bundles or separately.
Buying a bundle is convenient when you want to buy several products - in this case bundles save you a lot of money.
Find the variants of purchasing separate products below on this page.

For your convenience, we have contracted with ShareIt Companies to process your orders. After registering you will receive the registration information within 48 hours by e-mail. Please make sure to include a valid name and e-mail address with your order. For reception of a correct registration key please enter Your name only in English without use of punctuation marks and special symbols.

ShareIt accepts payments in US Dollars, Euro, Pound Sterlings, Japanese Yens, Australian Dollars, Canadian Dollars or Swiss Franks by Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard/Eurocard, American Express, Diners Club), Bank/Wire Transfer, Check or Cash.

If you have any additional questions on process of purchase that please address in ours Customer Care Center
DescriptionPriceDiscountTotal   Share   It! 

Main Bandle
Visual SQL-Designer + Visual QuickBar

$199 + $12$13,93 $197,07 Register Now!
Separate Products
Description Price   Share   It! 
Visual SQL-Designer (single license) $199 Register Now!
Visual QuickBar (single license) $12 Register Now!
Visual SQL-Designer Light (single license) $79,95 Register Now!
Visual Open DB (single license) $19,95 Register Now!

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